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Exhibition design

Team Project
Year: 2019
Location: Museum of Modern Art, Zagreb, Croatia
Role: Exhibition Lead Assistant Designer

The team project for the year 2019 took place at the prestigious Museum of Modern Art in Zagreb, Croatia. As an Exhibition Assistant Designer, my role was to contribute to the creation of an exceptional exhibition for Ivana Popović, one of the most versatile artists in Croatia.

Ivana Popović's artistic prowess has captivated audiences across the country, and this exhibition aimed to showcase her remarkable talent to a wider audience. By blending various artistic mediums and pushing boundaries, Popović's work has left an indelible mark on the Croatian art scene.

To gain a deeper understanding of Ivana Popović's artistry, please visit the following link:

Our team's objective was to design an exhibition that would not only highlight Popović's diverse body of work but also engage and inspire visitors. Through meticulous planning and collaboration, we aimed to create an immersive experience that would leave a lasting impression on all who attended.

The Museum of Modern Art provided the perfect backdrop for this exhibition, with its contemporary and innovative atmosphere. Our team worked tirelessly to curate the space, ensuring that each artwork was displayed in a way that enhanced its impact and allowed viewers to fully appreciate the artist's vision.

As an Exhibition Assistant Designer, I played a crucial role in the design process. From selecting the appropriate lighting and arranging the artworks to creating visually appealing displays, my aim was to create a cohesive and visually stunning exhibition that would captivate visitors from the moment they entered the space.

By combining my passion for design and art, I was able to contribute to the overall success of the exhibition. It was an honor to work alongside talented individuals who shared the same dedication and enthusiasm for showcasing Ivana Popović's extraordinary talent.

The exhibition not only celebrated the artistic achievements



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