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the textile remodel art

Graphical design I Exibition design

I take great pride in my employment at Textum, a renowned German company specializing in the production and distribution of decorative and printing textiles. Recently, I had the opportunity to work on an exciting project for the Proposte exhibition fair, drawing inspiration from the captivating world of Reusable art.

In 2022, Textum made the decision to showcase their latest collection at the prestigious Proposte fair, held in the picturesque setting of Lago di Coma, Italy. Our team conceptualized an exhibition presentation entitled "The Text Reuse Art," which aimed to seamlessly blend elements of furniture and textile with the enchanting story of Alice in Wonderland. By incorporating visual and design elements from previous textile fairs spanning over two decades, we were able to create a truly unique and inspiring experience within the beautiful confines of Como, Italy.

As the lead graphical and exhibition designer, I played a pivotal role in bringing this project to life. Collaborating with a talented team, we meticulously crafted each room and corner, transforming them into captivating moments that evoked the essence of Alice in Wonderland. Our goal was to create artistic masterpieces that not only showcased the creativity and innovation of Textum but also left a lasting impression on visitors.

The Texum Amp project, developed in 2022, stands as a testament to our dedication and passion for pushing the boundaries of textile design. By repurposing elements from previous exhibitions, we were able to breathe new life into these materials, transforming them into awe-inspiring works of art. This project exemplifies the creative and inspiring moments that can be achieved through the seamless integration of art, design, and textiles.

In conclusion, my involvement in the creation of the exhibition fair project for Proposte, inspired by the story of Reusable art, has been a truly rewarding experience. Working alongside a talented team, we successfully brought the concept of "The Text Reuse Art" to life, captivating visitors with our imaginative interpretation of Alice in Wonderland. 


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" It's not a job it is a way of looking at the world."

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