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Graphical design I Marketing 

Orijent is a prominent football club in Croatia, with a rich history dating back to its establishment in 1919. As an employee of Textum, I had the privilege of serving as the lead graphical designer for Orijent for a span of two years, from 2021 to 2022.

During my tenure, I was entrusted with the responsibility of creating visually captivating analog and digital content for the club's seasonal presentations. This encompassed a wide range of tasks, including designing eye-catching visuals for social media platforms, crafting innovative football equipment and business gifts, conceptualizing appealing merchandise for the fan shop, and producing digital prints for promotional purposes. Additionally, I was also involved in the creation of impactful billboards, banners, and other stadium visuals, as well as designing patterns for textile printing, among other responsibilities.

By leveraging my expertise and artistic flair, I strived to elevate the club's brand image and enhance its visual identity. Through meticulous attention to detail and a keen understanding of the club's values and aspirations, I aimed to create designs that resonated with both the loyal fanbase and potential supporters.

Working closely with the Orijent team, I collaborated on numerous projects, ensuring that each visual element aligned seamlessly with the club's overall vision and objectives. By employing cutting-edge design techniques and staying abreast of industry trends, I consistently delivered high-quality visuals that captured the essence of Orijent's spirit and showcased its unique character.

In conclusion, my role as the lead graphical designer for Orijent allowed me to contribute to the club's success by creating visually stunning and impactful designs across various platforms. I am proud to have played a part in enhancing the club's image and fostering a strong connection with its passionate fanbase.





In 2022, in addition to our regular seasonal design work, we had the opportunity to create a mascot for the club and develop a cryptocurrency token called Ori. This project involved designing the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) for an app and website, which came to life through collaboration with a programming company.

As the lead graphical and exhibition designer, I played a crucial role in this team project. Over the course of 2021 and 2022, we worked diligently to develop Texum amp, a project that showcased our expertise and creativity.

Our task was to create a visually appealing and user-friendly design for the Ori token, ensuring that it resonated with the target audience. Through careful consideration of color schemes, typography, and layout, we crafted a design that captured the essence of the token and its purpose.

Collaborating closely with the programming company, we brought the Ori token to life through a seamless integration of our UI and UX designs. The result was an app and website that not only showcased the functionality of the token but also provided an enjoyable and intuitive user experience.

Throughout this project, we demonstrated our ability to work as a cohesive team, leveraging our individual strengths to achieve a common goal. Our dedication and attention to detail allowed us to deliver a high-quality design that exceeded expectations.

As we reflect on this project, we are proud of the impact our designs have made in the world of cryptocurrency. Our work on the Ori token has not only enhanced the user experience but also contributed to the overall success of the project.

Looking ahead, we are excited to continue pushing the boundaries of design and innovation, creating captivating experiences that leave a lasting impression. With our proven track record and passion for excellence, we are confident in our ability to tackle future projects with the same level of professionalism and creativity.

In conclusion, our involvement in the development of the Ori token and Texum amp project has been a rewarding experience. We are grateful for the opportunity to showcase our skills and contribute. 


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" It's not a job it is a way of looking at the world."

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