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Graphical design I Marketing I Concept

Designing a brand identity for a charming small hotel nestled along the picturesque coast of Croatia is an exciting endeavor. This historic villa, constructed in 1958, carries a unique charm that captivates visitors. Aptly named by its owner, we aim to create a brand that reflects the villa's essence while evoking a sense of tranquility and well-being.

To achieve this, we will employ a carefully curated color palette, opting for subtle and soothing tones. By harmoniously blending the hues of the sea and nature, we will create a visual representation of the serene atmosphere that permeates the hotel. Our intention is to transport guests to a world where they can unwind and rejuvenate amidst the gentle sea fumes, ensuring a truly relaxing stay.

As the Art Director for this project, my role is to oversee the creative direction and ensure that the brand identity aligns seamlessly with the hotel's vision. With a keen eye for aesthetics and a passion for storytelling through design, I am committed to crafting a brand that not only captures the essence of the villa but also resonates with our target audience.

Infologistika d.o.o, a reputable company renowned for its expertise in the field, has entrusted us with this exciting opportunity. With their support and our creative prowess, we are confident in our ability to deliver a brand identity that will elevate the hotel's presence and attract discerning travelers.

In the year 2022, we embark on this journey to create a brand that will stand the test of time, leaving an indelible mark on the hospitality industry. Our goal is to establish a visual identity that exudes professionalism, elegance, and a touch of coastal charm. By seamlessly blending the rich history of the villa with contemporary design elements, we will create a brand that resonates with both the hotel's legacy and the desires of modern travelers.


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" It's not a job it is a way of looking at the world."

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